Trying Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS)


Definitely one of the most exciting workouts I have ever done! EMS Training is a workout where you are strapped and suited up with a special vest and connected to a machine. While you do your workout the machine exerts electrical pulses that contract your muscles. Increased muscle stimulation and overall muscle targeting is the idea behind this intense training. And the best part, it is only a 20 minute session twice a week! I was quite nervous at first since I thought that the pulses would hurt, and although they came as a surprise, they were not at all that painful and I was able to get used to them throughout the workout. I was tired quickly, and by the end, I could feel the pulses quite strongly and before the 20 minutes were over I was ready to be done. I was surprised that after a couple of days I was not that sore! I don't know if I will try this again, but if you are looking for an intense and short workout and don't mind the feeling the current, then this is for you! 

" Sin duda ha sido uno de los ejercicios más interesantes que he hecho! El entrenamiento EMS es un entrenamiento en el que se usa un chaleco especial que se conecta a una máquina. Mientras que completas el entrenamiento la máquina ejerce impulsos eléctricos que contraen los músculos. La idea detrás d entrenamiento es aumentar la estimulación muscular, y sólo se necesita una sesión de 20 minutos dos veces por semana! Estuve bastante nerviosa al pensar de los impulsos eléctricos, pero no fueron muy dolorosos y pude acostumbrarse a ellos un poco. El ejercicio cansa rápidamente, y antes de que los 20 minutos acabaren ya no pude mas. Me sorprendió que después de un par de días que no estuve tan dolorida ! Tal vez no lo pruebe de nuevo, pero si estas buscando un entrenamiento intenso y corto, y crees que no te molestara la electricidad, entonces es para ti!"


MORE / MÁS: (Lima, Peru)

